Untreated Hearing Loss and Depression in Adults

Untreated Hearing Loss and Depression in Adults

Mr. Smith suffers from “isolation, inactivity, lack of enjoyment and negative thinking.” His wife complains that lately he “speaks less” and “with more silences.” He “takes longer to respond to the remarks of others,” and his face is “relatively devoid of animation.”...

June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

In honor of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month we wanted to share Better Hearing Institute’s list of 7 health concerns that illustrate how hearing loss is linked to a number of health issues–many of which involve brain function. 1. Cognition: Studies from Brandeis...
Hearing Loss as a Major Health Issue

Hearing Loss as a Major Health Issue

Just around the corner is Better Hearing and Speech Month in May. More than any other time in our industry’s history, the hearing health care and medical communities are uncovering dramatic findings that link amplification and better hearing to a wide range of...